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  • Designed specifically for upper management, entrepreneurs and marketers, these search engine optimization seminars will quickly and efficiently teach you what you need to know today!

Promo marketing video production

Scott Wilson – SEO Specialist presents SEO for the CEO™


  • Too low-level, too much jargon. Pitched to the level of top decision-makers, these seminars eliminate IT talk with clear, understandable instructions, handouts and takeaway CD outlining top secrets of SEO success for the CEO.
  • How qualified is the presenter? Scott Wilson is the Vice President of Reel, the recipient of Federal and Provincial scientific research and experimental development funding for his companies definitive work in digital technology. Reel provides Digital Marketing and Training Services to Fortune 500 firms such as Home Depot, Apple Computer, 3M and many more.

Digital Marketing & Training Services

  • Don’t I have people to take care of this area. Of all the technologies you’ve had to master, here is one crucial to your firm’s success. No matter how capable your IT team and web designers, they do not have your vision or judgment!


Scott is readily available for breakfast, lunch, or dinner speaking engagements. Scott enjoys helping executives learn more about SEO, digital marketing and all of the opportunities that are available through these mediums. He is also available to speak to smaller groups in the comfort of their offices.